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You are unique. Your needs are unique.  My coaching is designed and tailored to meet your specific needs (even if you don’t yet know what they are.)


I don’t use commercial assessments or packages; I listen – to what you say, and to what you don’t say. We’ll create, and navigate, your unique path together.


Here’s a sampling of what many clients ask. If you see yourself in this list, let me know. If you don’t (yet know there is more to life), let me know as well. We’ll figure it out.


  • Personal life coaching – 1-1 coaching, in person or online, to help you discover and live your natural creative essence and reclaim the power and freedom of your own inner truth.  

  • Group coaching for work teams – group coaching, either to solve specific problems or for long-term team development. Common topics: constructive conversations, conflict resolution, management development, performance management, emotional intelligence, evoking excellence in others.

  • Public workshops and keynote presentations – to inspire, to teach, to inform, to provoke; for groups from 5-200, on any topic noted on this site. One-time events or on-going programs.

  • Mediation and conflict resolution – professional mediation to guide individuals, couples or small groups through a conflict resolution process that leaves everyone satisfied.

  • Workshop programs – a “menu” of programs I offer – to small groups or work teams – on a variety of topics, personal and business related.  Individually tailored to your needs, from 2 hours to multiple sessions over a course of weeks. (Sample topics)

  • Coaching in Nature – if you prefer to “get away from it all” so as to experience yourself and your life from a new perspective, consider a week-long, in-depth small-group exploration, set against a backdrop of natural beauty. Personalized programs for small groups. (Sample trips)


"Let's Talk"

Contact me to schedule a time

All photographs on this site © Bradford L. Glass

Cape Cod, Massachusetts

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