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You are unique. So your needs and interests are unique. My coaching is personalized, whether for you as an individual or for your business team. I do not offer coaching “packages.” I will meet you wherever you may be on life’s journey, and guide you in charting a bold, new course. If you’d like a program designed for you or your audience, I will work with you to create it. If you’re not quite sure of your needs, the information on other pages here may help spark your thinking, whether for individual work, team workshops or public programs.


I live on Cape Cod, in Massachusetts. If you’re nearby, we can meet in person. If not, we’ll meet by phone or video. If you want coaching or workshops for your business or work team, I will travel within the U.S. to meet with you.


I welcome your suggestions, inquiries, and comments. Whether you’d like to consider the possibility of a coaching relationship, want to refer an associate as a coaching candidate, or simply have comments or questions on what you’ve seen on this site, please contact me here or by email.


What Others Say:


I appreciate the feedback offered by clients on how our work together has enhanced their lives. A sampling:


“Brad’s unusual ability to make fine distinctions and see both the larger picture and its smallest details makes him an inspiration. He has a vision of ultimate possibility, believing that everyone can make a huge difference in their lives.” ~ C.C., Manager, MA


“If you want a safe, trusting place to explore your potential, Brad’s coaching offers that place. His clear, refreshing perspective opened up my thinking on how I view my life and business. Brad’s unique ability to be both inside my world and outside it at the same time allowed me to see myself more clearly, and to take more effective action.”  ~ S.T., Executive Director, HI


“Brad embodies a most effective combination of calm compassion and direct honesty.” ~ D. B., Artist, MA


“I chose Brad as my coach and as leader for our management development workshops. His guidance has been instrumental — for my team and for me personally. For the first time, I am: (1) living consciously, from my values (2) doing far more, in less time, with less stress (3) confronting things that scare me, and surviving!   (4) relating to others (& myself) with openness, compassion and trust.”  ~ M.H., V.P., software company, CA

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Let's Talk
Contact me to schedule a time

All photographs on this site © Bradford L. Glass

Cape Cod, Massachusetts

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