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Blog Posts
On Wisdom
As a society, we’re obsessed with knowing, perhaps believing it offers us power or success. We’re often afraid admit we don’t know. If...
On the Past
The past has passed. Yes, it brought you to where you are today, for which you can be grateful (or perhaps complain). Yet beyond that,...
On Habits
Early in life, we tend to use what we’re good at (like getting things right, being responsible) so as to gain approval of others. Over...
On Rights vs. Privileges
Society’s lessons tell us we have many rights. We probably do. Yet personal experience suggests seeing them as rights invites trouble....
On Feedback
Nature listens to feedback, an information flow inherent in all living systems that tells the system how things are going, allowing it to...
On the Rat Race
If you’re driven to run the race every day, stop for just a few seconds and ask yourself two questions: 1) what is the destination you...
Three quotes may serve to frame your journey: 1) The issue: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know...
On Focus
It’s easy to get caught in the drama of things (“why does this keep happening to me?”) ... or perhaps the situation itself (“who’s to...
On Tough Conversations
Some difficult conversations feel that way only because our self-trust doesn’t reach far enough to include them. Surprisingly, one of...
On Points to Ponder
Try these on: What if … you felt truly connected – to yourself, to others, to all life? … you embraced silence and the unknown as...
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