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Blog Posts
On Your Truth
Everything needed to live a life of meaning, peace and joy is inside you. You needn’t add, change, or delete anything in the outside...
On Time
We say we never have enough time. Yet we have the same 24 hours each day as did Gandhi, Einstein, Michelangelo, Mozart or Mother Teresa....
On Human Potential
Human consciousness distinguishes us, best we know, from every other creature on earth, offering potential to define the course of life –...
On Self-Trust
If someone tells you you’re not good enough, that’s about them and their judgmental nature. If you believe them, that’s about you and how...
On Silence
Most of us say we’d love some “peace and quiet,” but when exposed to even a few minutes of true silence, we revert quickly, and perhaps...
On Stress
On Stress Stuff happens. More stuff happens. We get stressed reacting to it. Our stress is not part of life’s events or other people....
On Have/Do/Be
There are two generalized ways in which we can view life: 1) Have/Do/Be: If I could have X, I could do Y, then I would be Z (happy, at...
On Going Along
We favor “safety in numbers.” That’s OK for a wildebeest, as they live from instinct alone. But you have potential. You won’t find that...
On Dialogue
Dialogue is a two-way conversation, conducted with non-judgment and mutual respect, with an intention of mutual learning and growth. ...
On Joy
We often see joy and excitement as equals, associating both with “feeling good.” This largely unconscious response robs us of a path to...
On Excitement
We seem to love excitement, largely because we’re drawn to “feeling good.” Yet real life has ups and downs. Unable to experience ups and...
On Conflict
Disagreement is part of life; conflict is optional. Disagreement is “difficult” only because habituated thinking tells us it is. Fear of...
On Nature
The same principles that have guided life on Earth for over four billion years offer us a path back to the possibility we long for, a map...
On Learning
Learning means accepting something new, which asks us to step over the edge of our comfort zone. Seems we have two prevailing (yet...
On Expectations
Expectations are a subtle form of revenge. By expecting something of someone else, you hold them accountable to a promise they never made...
On Judgment
Early on, we learn to see life not “the way it is” but “the way it should be” … so we unconsciously tend to see what’s wrong in life...
On Clarity
Personal clarity – about the “authentic you” living underneath life’s chaos – carries amazing potential to create a live you love....
On Permanence
“Once and for all” doesn’t exist. We want certainty in our lives; it’s not there. Native Hawaiians celebrate flowers as a metaphor for...
On Power vs. Force
Two kinds energy can fuel your day: 1) authenticity, intention, purpose – directed into the world to honor your inner truth, because it’s...
On Knowing
We think we need to know; we think we can know; we want to know our life’s plan; we want to know we’re right; we want to know we’ll avoid...
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